One day, my son came and asked me,
‘Why do I have to study at school?’
I always try to answer his questions as simply as possible, and this time, I said;
‘To make you and others happy. The more knowledge you learn in school, the more you can make you and others happy in the future.’
It may not be the perfect answer; however, my answer is hopefully simple enough for him to see that the future is something positive he hasn’t even thought of yet.
The truth is what I answered for him is exactly the reason that I keep myself eager to learn new things in life.
You won’t be able to master all bits of knowledge in the world in life anyway.
Nevertheless, it is worth spending time to expand your knowledge.
I believe that people feel excitement when they deepen their understanding about something new that they don’t know, which means that people are destined to learn throughout their journey in life.
I believe the coming spiritual-oriented world is the new age when people live in the simple principle: giving for others.
People there would not even think about dragging someone down to win the competition; on the contrary, their motivation to work for a living is always ‘to give for others’.
They would keep seeking the quality job in their profession, with the motivation to give for others.
‘How can I serve my client better?’
‘What do I need to know to support him/her enough?’
You can imagine how delightful it is when people are grateful for you.
The joy of giving is the most significant compensation for them, and monetary compensation always comes last.
In this scenario, it is total nonsense for you to compete with others, as someone that you should defeat is always you, but not others.
I am a firm believer that your growth needs to come with a well-balanced development of spirit, mind, and body, and those who can keep up the well-balanced growth will boost their transformation to be fine inhabitants of heaven.
Even now, those who keep practicing Divine Light and make the effort to expand his/her knowledge for the sake of others will attain the path to the new world in life.
The very key is always to practice ‘Divine Light’ and ‘Change your Sonen, Innermost-mind’.
Your effort to purify your soul and spirit and tune into the vibration of the Universe will realize your transformation in a spiritual wellness and lead you to a higher level.
Your spiritual journey and transformation shall begin at the moment when you determine to be the inhabitant of heaven, and you can be, not in the future but now.
Our spiritual journey will keep moving on.