Order for Omitama wrapping material

Order for Omitama wrapping material

This is the courtesy page for those who need a Omitama wrapping materiel.

Who is eligible:

Kamikumites who need an omitama wrapping material can order the package from the form below.

How the package is delivered:

The wrapping material package is sent by a regular mail within two business day after your order.

How much does it cost:

The one package is $3. The delivering and transaction fee depend on your payment method: $2 will be added for Credit / Debit card or PayPal, while $1 will be added for Zelle.
(The instruction mail be sent to you after the order.)

Order Form

    Pay by Paypal: $ ($3 for each plus $1 shipping fee and $1 transaction fee for paypal)

    Pay by Zelle: $($3 for each plus $1 shipping fee)

    *You will receive the confirmation email that guides you about the payment method shortly.