Tag: Mahikari-no-waza

Struck by A Car

In 1990, my son was struck by a car on the way to school. He was thrown about 6 meters. He suffered massive fractures in the region between the pelvis and leg. While he was hospitalized, I gave him the art of divine light continuously and he could leave the hospital after only one week, without taking medicine. Even though he was diagnosed that he would be unable to walk for at least 2months, he started walking again after only one month. His recovery was surprisingly faster than doctor diagnosed!

– Takeo Morita (Canada)

GOD’s Divine Power Saved My Son

My second sun was born in January 1977. But my happiness did not last long, as the doctor informed me that he was born with a hopeless heart deformity. During second month of pregnancy I started to bleed a little and hurried to the doctor for a check – up.

The doctor said that the bleeding was a sign of a miscarriage and he sent me to hospital the same day. He started to give me hormone injections and hemostatic to avoid miscarriage. I thought that the doctor’s treatment in the hospital must have been the cause of my son being born with such a hopeless heart deformity and I blamed myself and cried every day.

I even begged the doctor to kill my son, but naturally his answer was: “No!”· He said, “I am not in a position to destroy life. Don’t be so stupid. As long as your son lives, you should protect and help him. That’s your role as a parent!” This was a painful lesson.

My son was moved from a community hospital to a more specialized university hospital. The doctor made a hole in the center of his heart to let the clearer blood circulate in the baby’s body. About a month later he could come home temporarily. There were no promises made.
More than 50% of this type of operations are not successful. It was a question of how long he would live. His life would definitely be short, even shorter if he had no operation.

When everything appeared to be so hopeless, I learned about the healing power of GOD, Mahikari no Waza, in a newspaper. I read about some miracle and thought my son might be saved by GOD. I hurried to the Spiritual Center (training place), took a three-day-course and received Omitama, a divine pendant, around my neck. Omitama works similarly to a magnifying glass. It collects the Light of God, which comes from the World of Spirit, concentrates this Light to purify everything which exists.

After this three-day-course I received Divine Light. Divine Light is the spiritual purification of the soul. The spirits of possession which are gathered around the soul and who live together with the principal spirit of a man are purified. Whilst receiving Divine Light my body was overcome by a violent movement. I had no control over it. Both of my hands closed around my neck and out of my mouth came “You die!”. Several people tried to take my hands away from my neck but the spirit’s power flung them off. That was the time when I physically experienced the power of the spirit.

At that moment I understood that my son’s heart deformity was caused by this spirit, and I learned that it was forcing the doctor to operate my child. I cannot say very clearly here the definite reason why the spirit wanted to kill my son. But what this spirit said was as follows.

In my former life I took her (the spirit’s) husband away and she suffered very much. I was very mean to her and finally I even killed her. So she resented and possessed me. I learnt about many things in my former life through this spirit.

After a while of up-grading my innermost thoughts to make them go according to GOD’s Will, that violent movement calmed down. It was really amazing that at the same time my son’s chest which had been sticking out, started gradually changing and becoming normal.

Before, my son could not cry as normal babies do, and his hands and legs were always cold and cyanosis was clearly recognized on his lips and his fingers and toes. Now hecan play with no difficulties.

I cannot find any other words than: “Thank you very much”, to the Almighty GOD, SU, and also I am confident there is no other way for my son. I am willing with all my heart and my soul to continue to work for GOD. I wish all my descendants will be able to do The Art of Divine Light forever.

by Sumiyo Sakai

A Dying Sparrow

It was the beginning of last July when we have just moved to this house. I finished to clean the table after breakfast and I left my home taking some cookies to greet my new neighbors. I saw a sparrow sinking its hips on the ground completely at the middle of the sidewalk behind my house. Its eyes were half closed and a large swarm of ants were on its legs to the corner of its eye. Whoever saw, it must have thought it was dying. I forgot about the cookies completely and began chanting Amatsu-Norigoto praying to Su God to save its life and gave it the divine light. Worrying a longer the divine light might be too much to such a tiny body, I gave it the divine light for three minutes. Later, I asked my son to relocate the bird to our backyard. He chose the shade and put it there gently on the ground.

Interesting to say, though it kept its eyes half closed, its hips were no longer on the ground. I was happy that the divine light did work for it.

I gave the divine light twice to it after that. I carefully moved the bird to the shade of a tree every time the sun was changed. It was getting well every time it received the divine light. After a while, it began moving by itself. After receiving the fourth divine light, it got moving around and chirping everywhere in the backyard. Finally, it walked under the Jacuzzi and walked away to where I couldn’t reach it.

After a while, I went to see how the bird was doing, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. I was relieved in a way wondering it might have gone back its home cheerfully. I thanked Su God so much that I couldn’t find a word.

At the sunset of the same day, a number of sparrows gathered sitting on the electric line in front of my house and kept peeching almost they wanted us to realize something. Children and I were talking, “What a noisy place we moved into!”, but my babiest 6-year-old daughter said to me, “Mom, don’t you think the sparrow you saved could be a prince or a princess in the world of sparrows? That’s why it came here to thank you in the whole family. I immediately ran to the window and looked. Believe or not, I saw a large number of sparrows. Interesting to say, though I opened the rusty squeaky window loudly, none of them even tempted to leave there and kept singing to us. I have gotten the goose bumps all over my body and felt my heart trembled. Strangely enough, I never saw that huge numbers of sparrows around our house ever since that day.

– Kazue

My Boyfriend in My Privious Life Is My Sister in This Life

It was just about mid-January, 1978, when my cheerful younger sister suddenly stopped talking to anyone. She stayed alone in her room-almost all the time. All family was wondering about what had happened to her.

One day we took her to a near-by doctor and he warned us that she might commit suicide. We were shocked and wet k her to a psychiatrist. He diagnosed that she was a split personality. Ever since then her face became angular. She accused us of trying to poison her and also that the whole family was picking on her. She could not sleep at night at all. She even stopped eating. This weakened her to such an extend that she could no longer walk by herself.

She did not seem become better I by her doctor’s treatment. She reached a very critical stage. We did not know what to do. The doctor diagnosed that she would vegetate sooner or later. This extraordinary situation continued for about three months. Around that time my sister and I had a chance to know about the art of divine light, the exercise of spiritual purification.

We went to Center (training place) every day and found out about our relationship in the past. I was a woman and my sister was a man and we were both in love. But before I went out with him, I had another boyfriend who was very much in love with me. I was expecting his baby, but I gave up this relationship and tried to run away from him. I was about to abort his baby and for some reason I died. This ex-boyfriend was so sad that he committed suicide. His resentment at my action and his love towards me made him possess me after I was reincarnated. His elder sister possessed my sister, because of her pitiful feeling towards her brother. She and my ex-boyfriend acted together to send my sister crazy. This information was given by those resentful spirits themselves.

With this information my sister and I now understood why we were always so close. She was always so faithful and listened to me whilst rejecting the advice of others.

I received much the art of divine light, the spiritual purification and I reflected upon what I didn’t do according to the GOD’s will during my daily life. I apologize to Him for my selfishness. When I turned my selfish feelings into love for others it seemed that those spirits understood my honest feelings and accepted my apology. Since then my sister has regained her mental health and her cheerful personality.

by Ms. Yogosawa