Tag: teaching

We Are Clearly Seeing the Contradictions Among Religions

The more devout we become, the more contradictions we will find in the current religious climate. Religions give priority to preserve or enhance their influence and in the worst cases, they have resulted in the taking of human lives. These are the contradictions we see among religions and we have seen this sometimes leads up to military conflicts.

During the Water Era, human society was conducted under the rule of competition, and thus, human civilizations were developed. As a result, even religions found themselves in the midst of competition. And God is now working on correcting this current. God intends to have the religious field go through a transition from the Competitive principle to the Cooperative one. Therefore, among the world’s religions ruled by the Competitive principle, we see some remarkable contradictions. The many current contradictions among religions are the most significant factor complicating the expansion of our spiritual movement.

Due to the frequent manifestation of religious inconsistencies, people have begun to see religions as evil and harmful groups. God instructs us to tear down the prejudicial barriers among religions. However, it seems that exactly the opposite is happening. The original vocation of religions is to help people and bring them happiness. On the contrary, religious concepts have been providing reasons to take other people’s lives and drive them into misery. Being exposed to this reality, everyone easily sees the discrepancies in the religious world, so they try to avoid any religious and spiritual practices. We live in such an epoch.

We want to give our best efforts in creating a religious organization that is in harmony with the social principle of the coming Fire Era. The primordial assignment of religions is to help people lead a happy life. If they are not qualified for this errand, I dare say, their existence does not have significance. Their authentic profession is to awaken humanity, which is what we are working towards achieving with our Religious Renaissance and Global Expansion.