Every time you say goodbye to a family member and “Have a nice day!” the invisible power of your words help protect them from accidents, injuries, and disasters. So, you can influence other people with the power of your words.

In the past, I was asked by two people about the same requirements for a task at work, and I had two completely different impressions from each one. After talking with the first person I felt guilty and very uncomfortable as he asked me why I had made a mistake. However, after talking with the second person I found a misunderstanding among the people involved. He asked me for ideas for future actions.

Although the requirements were the same, I experienced that the choice of words and the tone of talking can make a big difference in the impressions that people make, and that they affect the listener’s feelings and understanding.

Through this experience, I became more careful about the words I use when communicating, in order to establish harmony with others to promote understanding, respect and friendliness.

Rather than complaints, I use words of love and compassion for the happiness of the person. Even when I have to call the attention of someone, I want to do it with words of encouragements and motivation rather than put-downs and discouragement. That way both of us can make further progress.

Did you know that words you casually use in a negative way also affect you? The reason is that what you say becomes phenomena that not only affects others but eventually returns to you.

The words you say affect your brain. For example, when we say, “it is troublesome, I am tired, it is annoying,” our brain will recognize the same phenomenon as the words we say.

For example, when you wake up in the morning and say, “I’m tired, it’s a pain to go to work,” Your brain recognize what you said and you will feel tired no matter what. Your brain will recognize everything you do, see, or hear as a hassle.

On the contrary, when you wake up, if you say “I am grateful to wake up, to be healthy, to have family, to have shelter, to have food” and appreciate everything around you, then your brain recognizes what you said, and no matter what you do or who you talk to, everything you see is recognized as grateful.

three crumpled yellow papers on green surface surrounded by yellow lined papers

Do you have a habit of saying “I cannot do that”? If there is something you don’t understand, or something that seems difficult, and you say “I cannot do that,” or “I cannot understand”. At the moment, neurons and electrical signals in the brain turn off. Then the problem that can be solved cannot be solved.

Nobody can do anything from the beginning if the person says, “I cannot do it,” doesn’t even try to do it. When the brain is switched off, you cannot do what you have the potential to do.

What words should I use instead of saying “I can’t do it,” when I have an obstacle or challenge? It’s about using words that focus on solving problems. “How can I overcome this challenge?” “How can I make it better?” “How can I enjoy it?” “Who can I ask to help me solve it?” By saying such a word, the focus is on solving or overcoming the challenging situation and not on the difficulties.

We should say, “How can I do this”? instead of saying, “It is impossible.” Just by changing to positive words, your thoughts will start changing. The connections in your brain will start improving and you will grow as an individual who is in control of your life and create happiness for you and others.

We use words every day. Words of love and compassion not only extend your potential, but can also energize others.

Try asking your brain to find the answers to positive affirmations like “Why am I so capable of facing any challenge? Or, why is today a special day for me? By asking positive affirmations your brain will find the answers and you will be filled with positive thoughts and answers to any challenge.